On Saturday, Space X, a private company of Elon Musk, launched its rocket towards ISS (International Space Station), along with two American astronauts named bob Behnken and Douglas Hurley.
The astronauts were flown in a rocket called Falcon-9 of Space X at 3:22 pm local time has reached the classroom safely.
According to the report of Space X, shortly after its launch, the rocket took the astronauts into safe orbit. At the time of launch, Space X and NASA closely monitored this operation.
For the first time in the US, a rocket of a private company has flown into Dragon Capsul with astronauts. With this launch, commercial space travel has started in America. It took 18 hours to reach the destination of this flight.
This mission has been named Demo-2 by Space X. Earlier, the goods were delivered to ISS by Demo-1. This is the first time in the world that a private company has sent astronauts to space. According to sources, the launch of this rocket was scheduled to take place on 27 November 2019 but it was postponed due to bad weather.
Created new record
According to the data, after 21 July 2011, the US has not sent any manned mission into space. This launch was done from the same pad from where the Apollo Space Craft was sent to the moon 50 years ago. According to the report, the two astronauts will research the ISS for the next 4 months and then they will be brought back.
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